Covid-19 Response


Lessons are spaced out between students

Since lessons are only at Sforzando Piano Studio, this allows us to properly sanitize between students. Additionally, lessons are currently being spaced out 15 minutes between students from different families. Students will never interact with one another in close proximity while at the studio.

We practice frequent hand-washing and minimize physical contact

Upon entry, all students are required to wash their hands thoroughly. (This was protocol before COVID-19 and a good habit to have to keep our instruments clean!) Due to the nature of piano lessons, there is minimal physical contact between the instructor and the student, except when to demonstrate or correct on the piano.

students are kindly asked to stay home during sickness

I always ask students to stay home when they are not feeling 100% well. Because there is only one instructor, the instructor must minimize the chances of illness to ensure that all students in the studio can receive weekly lessons.